Posts tagged "qml"
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HsQML StocQt - Stock Market Visualization in Haskell and Qt Quick
by Christopher Reichert
June 6, 2014
Recently, I have been working on porting some Qt Quick demo applications to Haskell and HsQML. The idea is to develop more non-trivial examples to showcase the power of HsQML. The outcome has been quite impressive and HsQML has been a pleasure to work with, as usual.
Here are some images of the ported StocQt app:
Exploring QML In Haskell
by Christopher Reichert
April 30, 2014
I have recently been experimenting with the Haskell QML binding HsQML. I am a big fan of QML and it’s portability. It’s a very flexible language for user interface development and it makes for a powerful combination with Haskell.
Recently, I wrote about integrating QML code and Haskell using Fay.
HsQML, however, is a more direct way of integrating QML and Haskell. The HsQML approach has the value of the Haskell runtime and garbage collector, among other things (though, Fay may compile the garbage collector, not sure).
This post describes working with HsQML < 0.3.
Read MoreQML integration with Fay and Haskell
by Christopher Reichert
April 15, 2014
If you are reading this, you are probably more or less aware of the JavaScript Problem. Like many, I frequently work with JavaScript. There is no avoiding JavaScript on the web and many corners of the software development industry.
My most recent JavaScript endeavor has been in the world of Qt5 and QML. QML is a solid toolkit for writing fluid and cross-platform user interfaces.
Recently, while experimenting with QML, I had a revelation. What if it was possible to generate QML code from Haskell using Fay. Eureka!
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